Strong Is The New Skinny!

It’s never too late to start ……….. lifting, that is.
In fact, for us Baby Boomers, it’s the perfect time to get started. We are loosing muscle mass as I write this post ………… and that, my fellow Boomers, is the curse from hell.
According to, beginning in our late 20’s, women lose 5 pounds of muscle every 10 years and after menopause (that’s us ladies) that loss doubles!
If you asked me what I did to stay in shape in my 20’s, 30’s or 40’s, I would have told you that I used the treadmill, elliptical, walked or jogged ……….. when I had time.
Owning and operating a business AND raising a family at the same time, made it tough to carve out time for myself. But much more freedom comes with being a Boomer. Now, it's our time.
Cardio was king.
Not so much anymore.
Cardio is still important but a HIIT, (high intensity interval training), workout is the preferred cardio to keep the fat burn firing in your body longer.
Just like in most industries, trends change and so do the trends in exercise.
Lifting weights is gaining momentum, and not just with youngsters, with Boomers. Lady Boomers.

Of course you should always contact your physician before you start a new exercise program, (I will admit that I did not – do as I say, not as I do), but it doesn’t have to be complicated or strenuous, especially when you start.
Everyone has to start somewhere …………. just start 🙂
If you have never owned a set of dumbbells, and they seem a little intimidating, start small. That’s exactly what I did.

By the time I decided to start lifting, (which was after age 50), I had already owned 1, 2, 3 and 4lb dumbbells. I used to hold them and swing my arms, while I walked on the treadmill ………….. in my past life.
They were the perfect starting point for me!
Watch for sales on those dumbbells or keep your eye out for them at garage sales or flea markets. There’s always someone who’s selling their exercise equipment and this is where you could score a good deal on the big girl candy.

In the mean time, go buy yourself one set of dumbbells to get started. Believe me, if you haven’t used them before, anything under 5lbs. will be a great starting point.
I assume if you found this blog, you are somewhat technically astute and can find your way around the internet. Check out Utube or websites that outline beginner lifting routines and techniques, to jump-start your journey.
Get yourself a poster or printouts of the various lifting movements and keep it handy to view when you lift.
Ignore the huge dumbbells that the models are using. Use your 1-5lb weights and focus on the technique. Master the movement first and, in your own time, you will progress to heavier weights without injury.

Let’s Talk Turkey Now …………………
Fact vs. Fallacy:
- Lifting will make you big & bulky. A BIG FAT FALSE! Women do not have the amount testosterone in their bodies that men do, which is responsible for increasing muscle mass. Don’t worry about this, it won’t happen.
- Lifting burns fewer calories than cardio. TRUE & FALSE! You will burn more calories during cardio but that’s where it stops. Women who lift will burn 50% more calories than a runner or walker. Lifters continue to burn calories all day long after their workout session has finished.
- I’m too old to start lifting. FALSE! Studies have shown that women in their 70’s & 80’s can build significant strength through weight training but should consult a professional.
- Cardio is the best way to lose Fat. FALSE! Strength training increases your BMR → you will burn more calories throughout the day → you gain more lean muscle mass ⇒ which means less body fat = a refined body composition.
In A Nutshell …………….
Benefits Of Lifting Weights:
- keeps your bones strong
- builds and/or tones muscle
- helps you thin down
- changes your body composition
- improve balance, coordination & mobility
- improves sleep, mood & stress

Just remember that you have to start somewhere. You will need to be patient because you probably will not see a difference in the beginning.
In fact, you will most likely gain a few pounds in the first 6 weeks of lifting. Your muscles get these microscopic tears in them and they become inflamed and slightly swollen due to fluid retention.
It happened to me. I gained around 7-8 pounds. Everything I read said to “hang in there” because after about 6 weeks of training, you will start dropping those pounds and begin to lean up.
I admit, I was getting worried and wondered if I was doing it all wrong but, as promised, it was exactly 6 weeks into my lifting program that my weight started to drop. The weight loss was slow, probably about 1 pound a week, and combined with proper nutrition it did start to come off.
Fact: You have to expend more calories in a day than you ingest if you want to lose weight and look lean. Make sure you choose your calories wisely!
Yes, I said “proper nutrition.”
Yes, you should probably give up the potato chips 🙂
Let’s face it, most of us start a new exercise program to lose weight!
“I don’t want another girl’s body, I want my body – stronger, leaner and healthier.”
xoxo, Katy