What To Do With All Those Chinese Red Long Beans?

I planted too many.
I planted the whole darn packet, thinking that they wouldn’t all sprout but I think I only lost about 4 seedlings.
They propagate so quickly and have a unique growing system ……. 2 beans to a stem.
Most often, when I go to harvest the beans, the twin beans grow at the same pace although, a few times I have only picked one of them and left the smaller bean on the stem to mature.

I picked about 30-40 beans last Thursday and then about 60 more on Saturday, then 30 on Sunday and ………. another 60 on Tuesday!

I have to check the vines every day.
I still have so many, and even though I gave a bunch away to my Sister-In-Law, I have scoured the internet, desperate to find different ways to use these babies.
They are growing faster than I can put them up, but after I blanched and froze 4 lbs., I found another way to use them ………

I made dehydrated bean chips and ……. THEY. ARE. DELICIOUS.

To make Chinese Long Bean Chips:
- Wash the beans and cut the ends off.
- cut them in about 4″ pieces.
- Either boil or steam for 3 minutes.
- Submerge in ice water until completely cooled.
- Dry the beans as best you can.
- Put in a bowl and drizzle with a little oil of choice.
- Sprinkle with seasoning of your choice.
- Dehydrate for about 12 hours.
For this batch, which was about 30 long beans cut into 4″ pieces, I used:
- 1/2 t organic sesame oil
- 1/2 t homemade garlic salt
- 1/4 t dill weed
- 10 grinds of fresh pepper
Toss the beans with the oil to coat evenly. Sprinkle a little seasoning and gently toss. Continue to sprinkle and toss until desired coverage. Dehydrate for 12 hours.
Enjoy them as a snack or crumbled into a salad!

The first batch (the test batch) I made had this seasoning, inspired from a website I cannot find now, and although the site did not give an exact recipe, it did state the ingredients of the seasoning they used.
Amounts are subjective anyway, so I just threw a bit of each seasoning together for my liking.
- garlic salt
- onion powder
- cayenne pepper
This is the spice mixture I’m putting on my next batch:
- 1/2 t berbere
- 1/2 t garlic powder
- 1/2 t onion powder
Spicy, baby!
“Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success and love; it will all come back to you in abundance.”
xoxo, Katy