A Mother’s Day Awakening

“A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” – Cardinal Mermillod
My girls and I the day before Little Booger’s wedding. With Big Booger living on the east coast, we rarely have an opportunity to get a picture of just the three of us.

I am feeling bittersweet about Mother’s Day this year.

I have been thinking all week long about the many wonderful crafts and cards I have received over the years for being the “Best Mom Ever.”

My treasures from Hannah. It amazes me how elaborate some of their crafts were, like this homemade box with a cover. The butterfly is raised up so it moves independently in the middle of the box. Attached to the wing is a tiny card that says, “Reid Me,” on the outside and “Happy Mother’s Day” on the inside!

The homemade cards, ashtrays (a.k.a. paperclip holders since I don’t smoke), napkin holders and necklaces, wrapped in whatever paper the kids could find, (usually Christmas paper), are my lifelong treasures.

Mother’s Day relics I saved that Emily made.

Now that my children are ……… well, not children anymore, remembering all those gifts are making me long for those special Sundays when we made such a big deal of the day.

Sometimes I would get breakfast in bed and on other years, I would make something special. Mostly, I would receive their presents during breakfast, as the girls could not wait for me to unveil their remarkable homemade gift, usually a craft made at school.

I love this so much ……… I’m an “angle!”

After breakfast, we would then go to church followed by lunch with their grandparents and back home to do whatever I wanted for the rest of the day.

Some of those rituals are still relevant today as we still go to church, go eat brunch somewhere, followed by a trip to see Poo’s Mom to deliver a hanging flower basket and spend some time visiting with her.

The only significant difference these days is that I don’t always see my children on Mother’s Day.

“The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness.” – Jessica Lange

So …….. why am I feeling bittersweet this year?

Because I am only a few weeks out from becoming a Kiki! (That’s code for Grandmother).

I am so excited for my daughter to experience the joys of being a Mother.

Matt and Emily last week at their baby shower.

Yes, there are days you feel like sending them back to the stork but, I don’t think I will dwell on those times for this particular post, and besides, the soon-to-be parents will find out soon enough 🙂

Of course, my daughters are still very good at acknowledging me every year but I feel as if this year I am handing off the baton, so to speak.


Little Booger made this macrame plant holder for me this year. I’m still receiving handmade gifts but they tend to be much more sophisticated these days 🙂
“Life doesn’t come with a manual. It comes with a mother.” – Unknown

From here on out, they will be the center of my grandchildren’s life. They will become the “Best Mom Ever.” They will be the ones unwrapping a wonderfully artistic looking something or other. 🙂 They will be the ones, hopefully, receiving breakfast in bed, flowers, chocolate covered strawberries and all the love and attention they deserve.


Nonetheless, Bittersweet.

Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers.

“There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” – Jill Churchill

Author: Katy

I am a business owner, a mom of two grown daughters, a wife, and lover of life! I am an active 50+ -er with many new developing interests. Physical activity has always played a role in my life. Sometimes, more ........and sometimes, less. As a "Baby Boomer," it has become increasingly important for me to navigate the aging process with grace and agility. Part of the healthy living equation is, of course, the nutritional aspect as well. This blog, first and foremost, is devoted to women over the age of 50 looking to improve the quality of their life by exercising and consuming a healthy diet. Cheers to a life well lived! *You can read more about me by visiting my Home Page.