Finishing Unit 4 over the Long Weekend

Days Remaining to Finish Cooking Class:  62                              Average Grade:  98%

Unit 4 is complete.  It covered a lot of material and I was able to finish up, in the car no less, on the way home from our long weekend at the lake.  Poo drove while I set my iPhone to my Hotspot setting  and got some studying done.

It’s about a 3 hour drive, and just as we were about a half hour away from home, I was finishing up the unit quiz.  I did get 100%, which means my average went back up and you know, if you’ve followed me, that my average has declined as I’ve progressed through the first couple of units.

But ....... I'm back, BABY!

I had to stop at a client’s office on the way home to pick up a few cases for Monday, and I was just completing the quiz as my husband pulled into the parking lot.   I ran in, got the cases, locked the building back up and we made it home just before dark to enjoy that task everyone loves most about traveling ………………. unpacking.  Ugh!

The best part about taking an extra day off, of a 3-day holiday weekend, is the 3-day work week ahead!  I don’t know about you, but it seems like a couple of mini vacations to me 🙂

The Lily Pads surrounding the lakeshore.
The Lily Pads surrounding the lakeshore.

Back to work tomorrow.  Hopefully back to the lake soon.

“A day at the lake restores the soul.”

xoxo, Katy

*Original blog post from 6/6/17

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