The Tastiest & Quickest Salsa You’ll Ever Make!
I have worked on perfecting this salsa recipe for about a year now. I have made, written, and revised, roughly ten versions. I’m super happy with this one, so I will finally share it.

It is so easy and no crying from chopping an onion!

Whenever you come across a recipe that you want to try, or you think your family might like, it is important to modify it to suit your own tastebuds. I almost NEVER use the exact recipe when I try something new. Usually it's not that big of a deal to swap out an ingredient or decrease/increase a spice. Try it. Every once in awhile it doesn't work, but those incidents have been few and far between. And, most often, it still tastes decent. You might just want to change something the next time you make it.

Not only will your friends be impressed with this salsa, you will probably be making it every week for yourself, that is ……. if you love salsa as much as we do.

This is the perfect combination of raw whole foods and heat. It is so good with organic blue chips, nachos, on chicken, eggs, omelets, frittatas, or use as a dip for homemade baked fries. I actually added a dollop in my split pea soup the other night and it was fantastic!

In an air-tight jar, such as the one shown, it will keep in the fridge for about a week. It will also gain heat over the course of its shelf life. Whow-Zaa 🙂
It is a versatile condiment and the uses are endless.
I kid you not …….. this is so fast to make.
You can thank me now 🙂

Katy’s Quick Homemade Salsa
- 1 10 oz. can of original ro-tel
- 1 small fresh tomato or handful of cherry tomatoes (optional)
- 1 small any colored pepper (optional)
- 1 onion (any type)
- 8 cloves garlic (I LOVE garlic)
- 1/2-1 C fresh cilantro
- 1 t. cumin
- 1/2 t. salt
- 1/4 t. sugar
- 1/2-1 juice from lime + zest (or lime juice)*
- Jalapeno (optional)**
Gross cut the ingredients and throw them into the Ninja blender. No need to chop everything, that Ninja blender will do the work for you! Pulse to desired consistency. I pulse the mix about 14 times.
* I use about 2-3 t. of lime juice ** Even the “original” Rotel can be spicy, so don’t add jalapeno until after you try it without.
That’s it!
“In my defense, I was left unsupervised.”
xoxo, Katy