I Like To Make Hot Pepper Jelly.

I love jalapeños!
No, I’m not one of those crazies who put them on everything and think it’s cool to show your friends how you can eat them straight up without your eyeballs popping out of your head.
Let’s just say …… I’m a normal Jalapeno lover.
In my garden, I usually have some sort of hot pepper growing every year. Before I became brave enough to try my hand at canning, the peppers I grew went to waste. Not all of them, but the overflow.

I have figured out how to preserve them and use them in a variety of ways so none go to waste.
Ways I Preserve My Jalapeños:
- freeze
- dehydrate
- pickle (I have yet to try this, but soon)
So ……. now my jam (no pun intended) is hot pepper jelly.

The first time I tried to make hot pepper jelly, it was a DISASTER!
Did I say disaster? I really meant a disaster of titanic proportion!
I made the mistake of using organic brown cane sugar instead of plain white, super refined sugar. Oops 🙁

It actually tasted fine, just the way it was supposed to, but the dark brown color was enough to remind you of …….. well …….. uhmm …… POOP.
Double yuk. Just be thankful I don’t have any photographic evidence.
Into the trash it went and duly noted for future reference.

I was determined to get it right though and find a way to use those most impressive jalapeños growing, out of control I might add, in my garden.
It took awhile for me to get up enough nerve to try again but, alas, I did.
And, sooooo worth it.

But, even my second try was not without incident. I let it boil over and the mess it made on my Jenn-Air stove top was unfavorable to the point that I thought I might have to replace the electric heating element. Not a cheap mistake!

After several cleaning sessions, and using some good ‘ole elbow grease, It became clear that I performed a small mortal miracle.
But even with the stove mishap, I was still able to save enough of the mixture to can multiple jars. It was more viscid than the desired outcome but the taste did not disappoint.
Third Times A Charm!
If you’ve never canned before, the process can be a bit overwhelming. It helps to read the directions ahead of time and make your own notes off to the side.

I like to measure out all the ingredients and line them up beside my stove, in the order that I will use them, because once you start the process, you really need to watch over it attentively.

The Jalapeno Jelly recipe I use: www.freshpreserving.com
I also make a super easy Jalapeno Salt with my coveted peppers …….
This is where a dehydrator comes in handy. You can buy an expensive dehydrator but you don’t need to. The one I am using is made by Ronco and on loan from my sister-in-law. It’s just a basic, entry-level, dehydrator but it works like a charm.

I dehydrated these jalapeños last summer and have kept them in an air-tight Ball jar since then. I ran out of this homemade salt months ago and just, this weekend, got around to making more.

It is really good, try it. Sprinkle it in the recipes you want a little extra kick, and try it on your popcorn.
Before putting them in the dehydrator, slice them in half and discard the seeds for a milder taste. Or, like me, you can slice them open but leave the seeds. 🙂

Jalapeno Salt Recipe:
- 20 assorted dehydrated jalapeños (I mixed my varieties)
- 3/4 C. Himalayan course pink sea salt
Use a spice grinder to combine the two ingredients. Be sure to wear a face mask when using the grinder for this task and try to do it near adequate ventilation or, better yet, take your grinder outside. You’ll still want your face mask.
If you don’t believe anything I’ve ever said in this blog, just believe me this one time ………. and wear the face mask!
Call me nuts ……….. it’s ok, I am ……………….
But another way I love to use fresh or frozen, (either way, it doesn’t matter), jalapeños is in my favorite, AND gluten-free, adult beverage of choice.
Drum Roll Please …………….

Spicy Vodka Tonic w/Lime
- 1 oz Tito’s Vodka
- 4 oz Diet Tonic Water
- Squeeze of Lime
- 1 Healthy Slice of Jalapeno
What’s your favorite way to use jalapeños?
“Life is NOT like a box of chocolates, it’s more like a jar of jalapeños: What you do today can burn your butt tomorrow.”
xoxo, Katy