I Am Determined To Graduate On Time And Display My FOK Plant-Based Certificate Proudly!

Days Remaining to Finish Cooking Class: 9 Average Grade: 97.8% Class Ranking: 73/428
I am nine days out and still trying to finish this online course I have been taking for the last three months. I am determined to finish on time, but I’m cutting it close.
There are 9 units, total, and I am right in the middle of #8. I submitted my last assignment, complete with pictures, and received my marks with comments from the instructor.
I still have some reading left to do, I need to go through my notes from the last 3 months, also review the videos and take the practice quiz.
Hopefully, I will be ready for the final. I know I could get away without studying and pass the course but this is my chance to reclaim some dignity, that I lost, during my college days. 🙂
I think there are 428 people in my class and they only rank the top 100. I recently realized that the majority of the students taking the class, are not taking it for the culinary credit or the certificate of completion. However, I am not “most students.”
I will be framing my certificate and proudly displaying it on my kitchen wall!
Most of my classmates are taking their time finishing the course……. and they can. If you don’t care about the credit you can still take the class and have access to all the available information. You don’t have to take the quizzes, submit the assignments or even take the final. It’s all up to you.
IDK ………. but I’m thinking …….. I just spent $299, (I received $100 off for signing up early), for a cooking class and I’m getting as much out of it as I can, including the darn certificate!
At some point during the last 30 years, or so, I turned into a competitive type A personality. I am definitely not acting like the baby of the family but, more like a first-born. (Birth order is an entirely different post., possibly up next……)
Here are a few of my pictures from the last couple of assignments:
Mise en Place for Hot and Sour Soup |
Hot and Sour Soup Cooking |
Tuna-less Tuna Salad |
My initial intention for taking this class was to learn more about seasoning foods and, in general, learn more about cooking plant-based foods. I want to eat healthier and, just as important to me, I want my husband to eat healthier so he will be around for a while. Well……. so we can both be around for a long while……together!
Poo was diagnosed with heart disease about 2 1/2 years ago and ever since then I have tried more plant-based cooking. I first started out cooking a vegetarian meal one or two nights a week, then I added another vegetarian meal during the week, then added a meal that was vegan. We have not totally transitioned, nor do I think we will, but we have made progress.
However, there is still room for improvement.
This online course was the next step in trying to find the path away from the SAD diet (Standard American Diet).
According to Wikipedia, the SAD diet is rich in red meat, dairy products, processed and artificially sweetened foods, high in salt, with a minimal intake of fruits, vegetables, fish legumes and whole grains.
For more important information on the SAD diet, (called SAD for good reason), go to NutritionFacts.org.
Although not accustomed to the reading, studying, and homework, and somewhat a thorn in my side at times, I have to admit that it has been an enjoyable challenge and a gratifying culinary and cultural experience.
This course delves deeper into the idea of healthier eating that I already knew about but had not put into practice.
Now, with my expanded knowledge of the plant-based diet, food preparation and meal planning have become a less daunting task.
“Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.” – Bethenny Frankel
xoxo, Katy
*Transfered post from 7/17