How Would You Use Your Superpowers?

Sometimes We Inadvertently Take A Detour.

Do you ever feel like you’re headed down a path, a pretty straight path, and somewhere you take a detour?

A pretty straight road without many twists and turns.
A pretty straight road without many twists and turns.

It might be by misfortune, maybe a fluke or, by choice.

Either way …………

A new avenue has been established and there’s no turning back.

Lombard Street, aka,
Lombard Street, aka, “The Crookedest Street in the World,” San Francisco, California

If you broke away from the road most traveled by choice, you probably have a plan.  Proceed with caution but, without fear.  You got this!  And pray.

If your pattern of living accidentally was interrupted, well then, this is where you wilt or bloom.   Making the best of a situation that you had no control over is where those “Life Lessons” take place.  Pray more.

A close-up of my daughter right next to a lilac bush in full bloom.
Lilac bush in full bloom.

However, if you find yourself in a position of disaster , devastation, or illness, this is where survival mode kicks in.  How you proceed from here is what makes or breaks a person.  More praying 🙂

Do you remember the movie Phenomenon?

John Travolta stars, with Kyra Sedgwick.  John’s character, George, is just your average townie whose life changes in an instant after witnessing a blazing flash of light.  Afterwords he, inexplicably, begins to exhibit an extensive amount of knowledge along with a few special abilities.

He’s given a gift.  Superpowers.

 Phenomenon  -  Something that is impressive or extraordinary.
The sun setting over Seven Mile Bridge in the Florida Keys.
The sun setting over Seven Mile Bridge in the Florida Keys.

All George wishes to do, with his new-found intellect, is help the other townspeople improve their lives and help them solve their problems.

He does just that …….. for a while.

George finds out, after helping many of his friends, that he has a huge Brain tumor.   His time with all the people he loves has been defined.

So what part of the movie is “the phenomenon?”

The fact that he becomes a genius overnight?

The part where he can move objects merely by looking at them?

Perhaps it’s the part where his loving and generous soul gets to help all of his friends with their problems?

The part where he helps to save a child?

Towards the end of the movie, George finally concludes that because his time is limited, he will expend whatever energy he has left on the people most important to him.

Is that “the phenomenon?”

Most of my immediate family.

All of it, of course!

Phenomenon  -  A remarkable or exceptional person; prodigy; wonder.
  • With adversity we can find the silver lining.
  • We have to be willing to look for it.
  • We must be grateful for it.
  • We have to know there is a reason for it.
This looks like the sun is setting but, this picture was actually taken as the sun was rising over the Atlantic Ocean.
It looks like the sun is setting in this photo but, my friend, Susie took this picture as the sun was rising over the Atlantic Ocean.

I think God gives us all superpowers to use for good.

How do you use yours?

“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”      –   C. S. Lewis

xoxo, Katy

Author: Katy

I am a business owner, a mom of two grown daughters, a wife, and lover of life! I am an active 50+ -er with many new developing interests. Physical activity has always played a role in my life. Sometimes, more ........and sometimes, less. As a "Baby Boomer," it has become increasingly important for me to navigate the aging process with grace and agility. Part of the healthy living equation is, of course, the nutritional aspect as well. This blog, first and foremost, is devoted to women over the age of 50 looking to improve the quality of their life by exercising and consuming a healthy diet. Cheers to a life well lived! *You can read more about me by visiting my Home Page.

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