My 30 Day Micro-Resolution Experiment – January

If you have a hard time keeping the New Year Resolution you make every year, why not try this 30 day, Micro-Resolution challenge?

I hope you all experienced a peaceful and blessed Christmas!

The annual picture of our big kids with their stockings. They still love the little surprises that show up in their stockings and, look forward to it every year.

We had a wonderful time, after we were finally able to all get together, despite the sickness working its way through the family.

Together, Poo and I have four grown daughters and it seems that every year is an excercise in flexibility. They have many more holiday obligations than us, so that leaves Poo and I practicing our improvisational skills during this time of the year.

I don’t mind, as long as we get to spend some quality time together.

I have no idea what the girls were laughing about but, I have a feeling it was at my expense. 🙂

Like many, as the end of the year approaches, I am always contemplating the coming year and what it will bring. I also think about making resolutions each year. But, I don’t.

I quit making new year resolutions several years ago.

I just can’t keep them. Who’s with me?

It pains me to say but, I’ve tried so many times.


But ……. how about a “Mini-Resolution?”

After I heard a story about a person who decided to try to change, or enhance, his behavior for one month at a time, I thought I might actually be able to commit to just 30 days.

I’m talking about a series of 1-month, micro-resolutions, for the next twelve months.

Instead of trying to fanatically jump in to some sort of unrealistic declaration for the entire year, why not try a mini version of that unrealistic quest? Sounds doable, right?

The good news ……….. studies have concluded that it may only take 18 days to change a habit, and the good Lord knows I need to change a few things, so I think I’ll give it a try.

The bad news ……….. everyone is different and, it can take some people up to 254 days to change or form a new behavior.

On average ……….. it takes 66 days for a new behavior to become automatic.

What do I have to loose?

I don’t have all of my 12 months figured out or the ideas I will implement but, I’ve got a good start on my list. After all, I do have time to figure out future months as I really only need to know what I’m doing for January right now 🙂

January has already been determined as Dry January. I have already messed up twice this month, because ……… well …….. habits are hard to break!

Although, on a more positive note, (with the exception of those two incidents), I can say that I am becoming much more aware of my relationship with the hootch.

This kind of awareness is exactly what I am looking for with this trial.

I had already decided, ahead of time, that I was not going to look for a perfect outcome, just become more aware. And if, by the grace of God, I end up with a flawless month, I will savor the win.

30 Day Micro-Resolution Ideas:

  • Listening without interrupting – something I know I need to work on.
  • Read 1 or 2 classic novels – or read more in general.
  • Take the Vegan Challenge – I have wanted to try this but put it off.
  • Spend less – save more.
  • Don’t say anything if you can’t say something nice.
  • Give genuine compliments to strangers – if you like her necklace, tell her!
  • Try being honest in all situations – no lying or even “little white lies.”
  • Try journaling every day – or most days.
  • Refrain from all social media.
  • Declutter / purge and donate.
  • No alcohol for a month – I may implement this one again.

These are just a few ideas. I will write down other ideas, for future reference, as they come to me but this is at least a good start to what I think may become a great experiment.

Are you wondering where the “typical” new year resolutions are on my list?

I already made the “exercise commitment,” many years ago, so that one will not be on my list. And, I’ve been volunteering at my local food pantry every week, for several years now, so I won’t be including “volunteering” either.

I’ve been working on gaining muscle for the past 5 years.

I’m not sure how this will work out but I think it will prove an invaluable way to change existing bad habits and/or implement more productive habits.

Maybe, as the year proceeds, I might try to implement 2 ideas during one of the 30 day pledges. For now, I plan on taking it one day at a time.

Just being conscious of one thing at a time, for one month, sounds appealing to me. I might actually be able to handle 30 days and, who knows, by the end of each month, maybe ……. just maybe, I will have formed a new satisfying habit.

Cheers to 2020!

** Well ……….. Not until February 🙂

“What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year.” – Vern McLellan

xoxo, Katy

Author: Katy

I am a business owner, a mom of two grown daughters, a wife, and lover of life! I am an active 50+ -er with many new developing interests. Physical activity has always played a role in my life. Sometimes, more ........and sometimes, less. As a "Baby Boomer," it has become increasingly important for me to navigate the aging process with grace and agility. Part of the healthy living equation is, of course, the nutritional aspect as well. This blog, first and foremost, is devoted to women over the age of 50 looking to improve the quality of their life by exercising and consuming a healthy diet. Cheers to a life well lived! *You can read more about me by visiting my Home Page.

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