Our Lives Are Touched By The Very Lives That Touch Us.

My friend has cancer.  She just found out. We all just found out.  

There’s a group of us that meet regularly, usually once a month, at a local restaurant.  We spend, roughly, 4 hours together catching up on the latest developments in our lives:  Jobs, kids, grandchildren, club involvements, travel, etc…..  Many of those times we celebrate some one’s birthday as well.  

Super Bowl 2017
This isn’t the entire group, we’re missing a few!

The core group of friends have been together for years, but Poo and I are newcomers.  We have been meeting up with them for about 4 years.  They openly welcomed their arms and their hearts to us, and our lives have been greatly enriched because of them.

Our friendship with this crazy bunch (and I mean crazy, but that’s another post!) started off slow.  We would run into them off and on, stop to say “Hi,” talk for a few minutes and move on.  Eventually, we would talk a little longer, and over time, they would invite us to sit with them or meet up with the group on one of their monthly outings.  

We started getting regular texts from “M,” inviting us every month.  “M” is the glue, the epoxy, the maestro, the one common denominator for all of us.  She usually decides where we meet, which day of the month, and what time.  She is the nucleus.  She is a natural born leader, and I think she likes it.  I think the rest of us like it too.  “M” has cancer.

Now what?  I wish I knew what to do, what to say, how to help. Time will tell and, hopefully, reveal to us how we can be of the most assistance.  We have no way of knowing what will occur in the coming months, but can only pray for a positive outcome. 

Cheers to the best friends ever! 

I wish them all exceptional health, endless happiness and satisfying fortune.

Author: Katy

I am a business owner, a mom of two grown daughters, a wife, and lover of life! I am an active 50+ -er with many new developing interests. Physical activity has always played a role in my life. Sometimes, more ........and sometimes, less. As a "Baby Boomer," it has become increasingly important for me to navigate the aging process with grace and agility. Part of the healthy living equation is, of course, the nutritional aspect as well. This blog, first and foremost, is devoted to women over the age of 50 looking to improve the quality of their life by exercising and consuming a healthy diet. Cheers to a life well lived! *You can read more about me by visiting my Home Page.

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