September Challenge: Disconnecting……

Have you ever deactivated your social media accounts, as a pledge to purge all things nonsensical and just try to unplug?

One of my Instagram posts right after we purchased the kayaks.

If so, were you successful? And, for how long?

Apparently it’s a common practice among some and, I decided to give it a try.

“Disconnect” to “Reconnect”

As you may remember, in January, I decided to shake things up a bit with regards to my New Years resolution.

At the beginning of each month I would try a different “30 day micro-resolution,” which would afford me the flexibility of not being stuck with some unrealistic goal for an entire year.

I know what you’re thinking but, no, I’m not a commitment phobe. Seriously, why set yourself up for failure? At least 30 days is manageable.

I did get off to a good start this year and made some pretty significant progress in my pursuit of new-found self awareness. Heck, I made it all the way through the end of May then ……… I fell off the wagon. 🙁

So, for the month of September, I’m saying “Bye-bye, social media.”

Hmmmm …….. any bets on how long I will make it?

I’m always looking on social media for the next workout challenge…….

This one might be a challenge, especially because I reference IG, almost daily, for workout inspo. The up-side however is, I get to escape all the political unrest and disinformation that floats around during an election season. At least for now.

If I make it through September, unscathed by the withdrawal, maybe I’ll just unplug until the election is over. 🙂

At some point during the year, I was also hoping to dedicate one month to writing more. Blogging. Maybe I should combine these two challenges together this month?

Theoretically, I will have extra time to write since I won’t be wasting time looking at social media.

Which reminds me ………. Do my blog posts count as social media?

“Sometimes you gotta take a break from all the noise to appreciate the beauty of silence.” – Robert Tew

xoxo, Katy

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